Sigmat complete new flagship McCarthy Stone

Sigmat complete new flagship McCarthy Stone
Sigmat complete new flagship McCarthy Stone

Sigmat completes new flagship McCarthy Stone retirement development

The site of a new retirement living residence in Hexham – Hewson Court, on Dene Avenue – has become the first in the country for developers McCarthy Stone to pilot light gauge steel frame (LGSF), a sustainable and modern method of construction. The residence comprised of 23 one bedroom- and 20 two bedroom apartments; by embracing the Sigmat LGSF solution, the team at McCarthy Stone were able to reduce the build time by two weeks per floor.

Sustainable method of construction

Sustainable method of construction

LGSF constitutes a more sustainable method of construction. Due to the high strength to weight ratio of steel, it is less material intensive to build with – and the steel used has a high proportion of recycled material and is easily recyclable. Being assembled offsite in controlled factory conditions to strict tolerances, there is also less waste – both in the factory, and onsite. It has also been shown to improve energy efficiency and cut energy bills, compared with a traditional UK home. It is an ideal method by which to fast-track the delivery of much needed high-quality housing for the retirement community.

Over the 12 week programme, the Sigmat team installed 1,765 linear metres of LGSF panels across 3 floors; 3,510m2 of decking; and installed 4 flights of stairs. They also craned in 160 packs of plasterboard to allow follow-on trades earlier access, which in turn reduced the overall build programme by 6 weeks.

“Thanks to our teams and the work of Sigmat the build at Hexham is tracking at two weeks per floor quicker than it ordinarily would, while maintaining the same consistent high quality. It’s a ground-breaking new technology that we are proud to have had the opportunity to pilot here in Hexham, which is a much-anticipated new development for the town that will bring with it many economic and societal benefits to the local area, and more housing choice for older people looking for the right solution for them in later life.” Iain Fleming, Construction Director, McCarthy Stone