Testing & Certification

Testing & Certification

Helping you to design and build with certainty and peace of mind

Our Approach

We are continually looking at ways to make the building process safer. By developing factory manufactured systems rather than standalone products, our collective aim is to eliminate uncertainty surrounding specification decisions.

Our full-scale testing regimes study the performance of all products within the system (boards, metals, insulation) working together to see how they interact in ‘real world’ environments, such as under fire conditions or when exposed to wind and rain.

We work closely with our clients and construction partners to add value from the outset and achieve the most comprehensive solution. Our technical design team are highly qualified and work in collaboration with your designers to establish the most effective and cost-efficient design solutions, complete with all the necessary performance data.

Etex Group have five Innovation and Technology Centres where we have our own fire, acoustic, mechanical, structural and thermal testing facilities, equipment and laboratories. Etex invest more than  €30 million annually in R&D and innovation focused on lightweight materials and new construction methods.


Solution examples by performance criteria         

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Light Gauge Steel Framing

Light steel framing offers exceptional fire performance. Lower amounts of combustible material negate fire risk during construction and while the building is in use. Steel is non-combustible and does not add to the fire load of a building, therefore reducing the ‘fuel for fire’ and limiting the risk of damage and injury.


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External Envelope Solutions

External envelope solutions traditionally consisted of a number of different components from different manufacturers, which relied on assessments rather than testing when calculating performance. Supplied in kit form, Thruwall combines the expertise of several Etex brands, comprising of Remagin light gauge steel frames, Siniat Weather Defence sheathing board and Siniat plasterboard. It has been rigorously tested to provide warranted fire, acoustic and structural performances.


Pre-assembled Frame (PAF)

Pre-assembled frame (PAF) is the next evolution of Thruwall, where the frame, external sheathing board and required insulation are pre-assembled in a factory setting. In addition to the performance benefits and peace of mind, PAF offers customers rapid on-site build where programmes are challenging, as well as a higher level of pre-manufactured value for public sector schemes.