Our Building Solutions
We are specialists in innovative light gauge steel building solutions manufactured offsite.
Due to its high strength to weight ratio, light gauge steel is a sustainable material which extracts and consumes fewer resources than traditional construction. It uses a high proportion of recycled raw material in its manufacture; generates significantly less waste through production and installation; and is infinitely recyclable through well established recycling streams. And with expanding capacity and availability of 'green steel', there are also increasing opportunities to use material that has considerably lower levels of embedded carbon in its manufacture.
Light gauge steel is also an inherently safe material - being non-combustible, it exhibits excellent fire resistance characteristics, and does not add to the fire load of a building.
Our offer comprises non-loadbearing external wall steel frame systems (SFS) and loadbearing light gauge steel frame structures. Find out more about our rigorously and extensively tested and certified solutions here.
Non-loadbearing fast track light gauge steel frame systems (SFS) for building external walls and facades.
Loadbearing light gauge steel frame and panel solutions for building structures up to 15 storeys.